Oh, yeah, it is the full moon…

How else could you explain the troll-full reactions to this article on Canada’s role at the UN Climate Change talks in Poland? Reactions like:

Canada stands proud, sovereign, free, and under God.

Harper has led Canada into a position of proud global leadership. In light of this new strength, we no longer need to be concerned with “disappointed” environmental socialists and those countries that adhere to a flawed global warming fear tactic!

Canada can unite free and proud on its own terms! God bless Canada.

Not that I’m Christian or anything, but wasn’t there something about Adam and stewardship in that Bible of yours?

Or this:

Do the foreigners pay tax here? No? Then what they think or say doesn’t mean JACK! The next time the decadent Europeans decide to have a war, we should stay home. Say, don’t they still owe us for winning WWII for them? What short memories these guys have. Must be all the wine and creamy sauces…

Mmmhmm. There must be a variation of Godwin’s Law here somewhere….

Oh, and Minister Prentice? When UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told you that Canada has played an important role “historically” in international affairs, I think you should take some time to reflect on what “historically” actually means and why it’s not necessarily a good thing.

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