Thanks to #WSC2018Conf for the push.

1370 days ago, I wrote my last post on this blog.

A lot can happen in 1370 days. Some things that didn’t:

I haven’t moved yet. My timeline to get out is shorter now that the building is conditionally sold, but as of today I’ve officially lived in the same place for 21 years. It’s very unlikely we’ll make 22.

I am still working for the same organization. I started at CCVO in September 2014, just a little over a month before I stopped blogging. I am, however, in a completely different position from the one I was hired to do.

I’m still a Witch. 26 years and counting. Maybe doing a little less ritual these days, but still have a dedicated space to light a candle.

So what changed? 1369 days ago, my Grams passed away. I wouldn’t say that was the impetus for why I stopped blogging it does, in hindsight, represent what I would call my loss period (if I were a famous Canadian painter).

Some of the loss was positive. I dropped a lot of weight which led to a renewed love of swimming and a new love of running. I paid off a lot of debt and started an emergency fund. I sold some stuff, donated some stuff to charity, and made plans to purge more. (FYI I’m selling a lot this month at the sale. Come buy my things and help fund my upcoming move!)

Some was less so. I took bold steps toward building possible futures and none of them worked out. Some people died. I stopped talking to some people and some stopped talking to me. There was a lot of turnover at my workplace. I quit boards and helped close the carshare.

So why did I stop blogging? Really, there was no one specific reason. But if its absence is the perfect reflection for this period of my life, may its return herald a change for the better. #blessedbe

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